
Notice of Collection

York University respects your privacy.  

Personal Information provided to the University by a student, employee, alumni, donor or other individual is collected under the authority of the York University Act, 1965 and complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is collected to be used for the purposes of and those consistent with the administration of University programs and activities and in order to carry out other University services and functions, including without limitation the following: 

  • recruitment, admission and registration, academic programs and evaluations, and graduation; 

  • evaluation of academic and non-academic programs; 

  • assistance to student associations, retiree associations and the University’s Alumni Association; 

  • financial assistance, awards and payment of fees; 

  • alumni and development activities; 

  • institutional planning and statistics; 

  • centralization or sharing of service delivery among academic units, administrative services and programs; 

  • reporting to government agencies, funding agencies and professional licensing bodies; 

  • fulfillment of requirements related to affiliated institutions; 

  • employment related matters; 

  • safety and security; 

  • detection, monitoring and prevention of non-compliance with policies, regulations and procedures; and 

  • promotion in print, electronic and internet publications. 

The University may collect the minimum amount of Personal Information about a student, employee, alumnus, donor or other individual that is publicly available on the Internet, in social media or in any other medium and that is necessary for its needs and for the proper administration or discharge of its functions or lawful activities, including without limitation: 

  • planning, review or delivery of programs or services; 

  • research and statistical activities; and 

  • compliance with policies, procedures, and regulations. 

At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to the Information and Privacy website,,  or contact the office at